Our Team


Ian Dela Cuesta

Ian Dela Cuesta grew up playing and excelling at sports early in his youth and throughout high school. This passion for athletics garnering him a college scholarship. After completing an associate degree in Sports Science and then continuing onto his degree in Kinesiology, Ian relished helping people achieve their idea of health and wellness as well as challenging professional athletes and Olympians, all of which he has trained. Ian is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Associations prestigious CSCS program.


Kepa Gaison

Kepa Gaison hails from Kaneohe. His early years were shaped by his former NFL playing father. All of these rigorous lessons have helped develop his love and discipline for fitness. A graduate of Kamehameha schools and the University of Utah, Kepa brings years of coaching experience and a deep understanding of how to make fitness and sustainable nutrition a part of daily life. In his spare time, Kepa is also the cofounder of Wela Apparel and a professional model.


Jordin Ramos

Jordin has been passionate about fitness from a very young age. She continued her love of sports at Hawaii Baptist Academy for volleyball and basketball. Her natural talent earned her a scholarship to Western Oregon University where she played and coached during her time there. After earning her Bachelors in Kinesiology and minor in Human Biology, she continues her passion for improvement through a collection of fitness and recovery certifications. (ACSM, ISSA and ACE) Jordin is also a certified RockTape and Rockblade specialist.